Choosing the corporate structure that is right for you
Based on what you tell us you want to achieve in your business and who is involved, we will advise you on the most prudent business entity and its structure. A limited company may not always be the best option, and we can advise, where appropriate, on forming limited liability partnerships, partnerships or even operating as a sole trader.
Same-day Incorporation
If you need a corporate entity immediately we have software that allows us to make same-day incorporations with Companies House.
Helping you find a name
It can be difficult choosing a company name as in many cases the preferred choice is already taken. Plus, there are additional rules to take into account such as certain words being deemed to be the “same as” others (for example punctuation, special characters such as a plus sign, limited, unlimited, limited liability partnerships amongst others) or certain words requiring permission to use (for example bank, chartered, commission, fund, regulator amongst others). We can help you explore the options and alternatives so that you are sure that the name on your application for incorporation is accepted.